We have an Adult Sunday School class at 8:30 am. The class is usually working on a book study that can be anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks long. Please contact the church office for information on the current and/or upcoming study. Newcomers are always welcome!
Several times a year we hold 'All Church Events' (ACE Events). Our ACE Coordinators plan a meal and have entertainment and/or a theme. It's always a good time! Call the church office to find out details of our next event!
Located on church grounds, our Columbarium and Memorial Garden is available for current and former members of Highlands Church and their immediate families (spouse and children). You are welcome to visit this peaceful area, located on the south side of our Ministries Activity Center. Brochures are available on the Information Wall located just outside the office. If you would like more information, please contact the church office at 479-855-2277 so we can put you in touch with a member of the Columbarium Committee.
We have a team of volunteers who keep in touch with members who are home-bound, hospitalized, have suffered the loss of a loved one, or other catastrophic event through phone calls, cards, one-on-one visits, and/or outings.
We will host multiple church-wide Fellowship Events throughout the year such as Easter Continental Breakfast, Veteran’s Day Celebration, Christmas Luncheon, Summer Picnic, etc. A team of Highlands Church volunteers work together to plan each event, set-up, decorate, serve, and clean-up to ensure each event is successful.
Each 10 week session meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Peter classroom (call church office for current session date/time). Our Mission is to challenge, encourage and promote better health through physical exercise. You can attend 1 lesson, all 30 lessons, or even somewhere in-between… Whatever works for you! Flex ‘N Stretch is a wellness program of activities which provides a higher quality of life thru responsible movement that is pain free and possible for all participants. This well- organized exercise program teaches all participants how to do the exercises easily and safely, including seniors. Benefits include increased range of motion, coordination, strength, balance and agility, all of which improve the quality of life and lead to longer independent living. Cost is $45.00 for 30 Sessions or $30.00 for 15 Sessions. Come, join the fun and experience the benefits! Everyone welcome!
The Highlands Methodist Men (HMM) are purposed to be a Christian brotherhood serving our church and community. The HMM serve and support over a dozen charities and organizations annually, both locally and nationally, with a physical and/or financial presence. The HMM meets once per month for a breakfast meeting that includes a devotional message, an informative guest speaker, and a planning/business session. Call the church office for details and to confirm meeting times.
All men of Highlands Church are invited to participate as we study the New Testament together. Bring your bible and join us in the Matthew classroom 4:00-5:00 pm on Monday nights or 5:00-6:00 pm on Tuesday nights.
The entire program and organization of Highlands Methodist Women (HMW) focuses on local children's and women's charities. They have a continental breakfast meeting one time per month. The HMW offers regular outings and events; including a monthly book club. All women of Highlands Church and their guests are welcome. Call the church office for details and to confirm meeting times.
Our church offers multiple libraries full of wonderful collections of books, audio books and movies. The Library Annex contains Christian devotional materials, non-fiction inspirational books, audio books, DVD movies; including children’s movies, fiction paperbacks, and the Highlands Methodist Women’s (HMW) collection. Meanwhile, another Library room contains hardback fiction and Christian fiction books. Both of these libraries are located in the narthex area of the Sanctuary.
Highlands Church has a group of volunteers called Loving Hearts who will prepare and/or serve refreshments (cookies/coffee/tea) following a memorial service for someone in our congregation.
Everyone is welcome to join the Stitchers while they get together to stitch, crochet or knit, and enjoy some fellowship. Patterns (crochet or knit) are available for the Prayer Shawls and/or the Prayer Squares for any participant that would like to contribute to those ministries. The Stitchers meet twice per month (September-May). Call the church office for details and to confirm meeting times.
Highlands Church, 371 Glasgow Road, Bella Vista, AR 72715