“Be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:18-20
Through music at Highlands Church, we strive to encourage everyone to "shout for joy." We strive not only for the highest quality in our music making, but also in evoking the Holy Spirit, so that it might flow freely through our hearts and minds before, during, and after worship each week. It is the calling of our worship leaders, handbell director, and music groups within the church, to influence our community to know Christ. In a variety of worship and musical styles, we strive to involve everyone in praising the Lord through vocal and instrumental expressions of praise.
Highlands Church features a 4:00 pm Saturday Celebration Worship Service in our Fellowship Hall with the exception of the 1st Sunday Combined Communion Service that takes place on the first Sunday of each month at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. No Saturday Celebration Service will be held on that weekend. The Celebration Worship Team offers a wide variety of music styles – familiar hymns, country, gospel, contemporary and original songs written by members of our team. Pam Meyer is our Celebration Worship Leader and Traditional Worship Accompanist.
The 10:00 am Sunday Traditional Worship Service is held in the Sanctuary and includes our Chancel Choir, a magnificent organ, piano, and, from time to time, the Highlands Ringers. One will hear traditional, gospel or contemporary music on any given Sunday. Pictured above is the Chancel Choir with John Matthews, Director of Music Ministries and Traditional Worship Leader. Holy Communion will be observed on the first Sunday of the month; everyone is welcome as we worship at The Lord's Table.
Participating in a musical ensemble is a great way to integrate yourself into a church family and experience what it is to grow and worship through music in community. We encourage everyone to come and participate in one of our ensembles. Contact one of our Worship Leaders to find out where you can “Make a joyful noise to the Lord.”
John Matthews, Director of Music Ministries
Pam Meyer, Celebration Worship Leader
Joyce Sheldon, Chimes & Bells Director
Jeannine Wagar, Orgainist
Highlands Church, 371 Glasgow Road, Bella Vista, AR 72715
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Copyright © 2020 Highlands Methodist Church